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Boreas is a 3D project desgined to be printed to create an amazing geometric supsension lamp for any space with indirect decorative light.


This 3D model is merged into a series of artistic imaginary scenarios to create a collection of animations sold as NFTs on the merging crypto market.

The 3D Boreas

3D model created as a geometric honeycomb structure designed as a lamp to blend light through all the walls. With an optimized printable structure to reduce print time, and to create a simple 2 piece assemble.

STL file on sale through the NFT series on Open Sea.

boreas white 2.JPG
The physical Boreas

Printed in white PLA to create a traslucent suspension decorative lamp.

Currently working on photos of the final product. Contact me if you're interested in buying. 

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-18 at 10.45.13.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-05-18 at 10.45.15.jpeg
NFT Boreas series

I wanted to merge the complex geometric shape of boreas in surealistic scenarios that reflect my vision of design, architecture and life.

Currently launching the first one Boreas 1x on Open Sea.

Boras 1x.jpg
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